Being safe during a tornado means having a plan in place before a tornado hits. Tornados tend to occur suddenly, and even though the technology to predict tornados is improving continuously, tornados are still unpredictable. Knowing where you should go to stay safe is...
Everything Automotive,
In And Out of
the Garage

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How Much Weight Can A Garage Wall Hold?
When browsing DIY advice columns, chances are you’ve seen, plenty of advisors tell you to store items on your garage wall. The thing is, tools are heavy and so are all the little items you need to drill in order to keep your stuff hanging on a wall. There’s got to be...
Can You Have A Freezer in An Unheated Garage? Why Not!
Freezers can be very useful when it comes to storing that excess food we may have stuffed into our fridge, however many don’t consider their functionality when placed in an unheated garage. The garage is one of the most popular places to store a freezer, but if placed...
Can a Garage Be Extended? It’s Definitely Possible!
Many homeowners consider extending their garage to create more space. An expanded garage can provide additional room for vehicles, a workspace, or storage. However, some may worry that the project will be too costly or complicated. Can a garage be...
Troubleshooting a Garage Ceiling Leak: Step-By-Step
If you notice that your garage ceiling starts to leak, you probably want to find and solve the problem as soon as possible. After all, if the leak is huge or lasts a long time, it could damage your ceiling and whatever is beneath it. To protect your garage ceiling,...
Can You Use OSB for Garage Walls? Wonder No More!
If you have spent enough time wondering what you are going to put on the walls of your garage cave, you have probably thought about the different options. One of those is OSB. But is it the ideal material for the walls in your garage? If you have...
About Us is a collection of valuable and useful information regarding everything automotive, especially in and out of the garage.
We’re a group of friends that try to improve the holy sleeping grounds of our cars, or as we like to call it, our Car Caves. As everybody even remotely interested in cars will tell you, it’s not just a means of transport from a to b. For some it is even a passion!
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