As you pull out from the driveway each day, you walk past your bland garage and think, ‘This space is just begging for a new paint job.” If you’re ready to spruce up the place, there are plenty of rookie-mistakes you should avoid in the process! Can you paint...
Everything Automotive,
In And Out of
the Garage

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Do Garaged Cars Last Longer?
You’ve saved up for the vehicle of your dreams, and now you must consider things such as maintaining your new investment, how to care for it, and proper storage. If you are concerned about sunshine diminishing your paint job, and rust entering the engine, you should...
Do You Need A Vapor Barrier In Your Garage?
If you are in the process of building your garage, you are likely curious as to whether the garage needs a vapor barrier or not. Here we will provide you with a guide to selecting the correct materials to prevent damage due to moisture entering the wall components of...
Does Garage Floors Have Rebar?
A proper foundation is essential when pouring concrete for any structure, whether it is an office building, driveway, a house, or a garage. If a foundation is not properly set it will compromise the integrity of the structure, which over time cracks will develop...
This Is Why Garage Floors Are Lower Than The House
At some point, it comes to all of our attention that in most homes the floor levels between the garage and living space have a height difference. This is one of those seemingly random facts that everyone should make themselves aware of, and for a critical reason. Even...
Does a Garage Need a Drain?
A garage may not seem like the heart of the home, but, many times, much of a family’s life is stored in the garage. You have probably noticed how many memories are packed in your garage, along with equipment used for recreation by your family. With all the special...
About Us is a collection of valuable and useful information regarding everything automotive, especially in and out of the garage.
We’re a group of friends that try to improve the holy sleeping grounds of our cars, or as we like to call it, our Car Caves. As everybody even remotely interested in cars will tell you, it’s not just a means of transport from a to b. For some it is even a passion!
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