If you are in the process of building your garage, you are likely curious as to whether the garage needs a vapor barrier or not. Here we will provide you with a guide to selecting the correct materials to prevent damage due to moisture entering the wall components of...
Does Garage Floors Have Rebar?
A proper foundation is essential when pouring concrete for any structure, whether it is an office building, driveway, a house, or a garage. If a foundation is not properly set it will compromise the integrity of the structure, which over time cracks will develop...
This Is Why Garage Floors Are Lower Than The House
At some point, it comes to all of our attention that in most homes the floor levels between the garage and living space have a height difference. This is one of those seemingly random facts that everyone should make themselves aware of, and for a critical reason. Even...
Does a Garage Need a Drain?
A garage may not seem like the heart of the home, but, many times, much of a family’s life is stored in the garage. You have probably noticed how many memories are packed in your garage, along with equipment used for recreation by your family. With all the special...
Do Garage Floors Have to Slope?
You’re getting ready to build your dream house, but the architect has said something that has brought you a bit of pause: “The garage floor slope will be at a .0416 pitch.” Wait. What? Pitch? Do you mean that in the same way we say, “the roof has a pitch?” Do garage...
Are Garages Part of Square Footage?
Nearly anyone looking to buy a home would want a garage, but for most, it is not used as a main living space, so when you see the square footage of a home, you have to wonder if it is counting the garage or not. So, are garages part of square footage? No,...
The Pros and Cons of Carpet in Garage
Garages have a reputation of being cold, musty, and uninviting. A great way to give your garage new life is by installing a carpet to cover the non-insulating, ugly cement floor. If you’ve dreamed of using your garage as an extension of your home during all four...
Do all garage outlets need to be GFCI?
One of my garage outlets has been on the fritz and needed replacing. In trying to solve this electrical problem, I learned a bit about garage outlet requirements. Turns out, you cannot use any old outlet as a replacement. Do all garage outlets need to be GFCI? All...
Can a Garage Have a Wooden Floor?
When it comes to building your garage, you have a variety of flooring options available. One of those options is wood. When a garage is originally installed you are given a dirt floor to work with. A common option is digging out the dirt and pouring the space with...
Basement Under Garage: Is It a Good Idea?
If you have ever purchased or built a house, you know there are several different features that you look for. One popular feature is a basement. In most homes, the basement follows the footprint of the above-ground structure. However, some homeowners...
Are Garages Safe in a Tornado? What You Need to Know
Being safe during a tornado means having a plan in place before a tornado hits. Tornados tend to occur suddenly, and even though the technology to predict tornados is improving continuously, tornados are still unpredictable. Knowing where you should go to stay safe is...
How Much Weight Can A Garage Wall Hold?
When browsing DIY advice columns, chances are you’ve seen, plenty of advisors tell you to store items on your garage wall. The thing is, tools are heavy and so are all the little items you need to drill in order to keep your stuff hanging on a wall. There’s got to be...
Can You Have A Freezer in An Unheated Garage? Why Not!
Freezers can be very useful when it comes to storing that excess food we may have stuffed into our fridge, however many don’t consider their functionality when placed in an unheated garage. The garage is one of the most popular places to store a freezer, but if placed...
Can a Garage Be Extended? It’s Definitely Possible!
Many homeowners consider extending their garage to create more space. An expanded garage can provide additional room for vehicles, a workspace, or storage. However, some may worry that the project will be too costly or complicated. Can a garage be...
Troubleshooting a Garage Ceiling Leak: Step-By-Step
If you notice that your garage ceiling starts to leak, you probably want to find and solve the problem as soon as possible. After all, if the leak is huge or lasts a long time, it could damage your ceiling and whatever is beneath it. To protect your garage ceiling,...
Can You Use OSB for Garage Walls? Wonder No More!
If you have spent enough time wondering what you are going to put on the walls of your garage cave, you have probably thought about the different options. One of those is OSB. But is it the ideal material for the walls in your garage? If you have...
Can a Garage Door Opener Be Too Powerful? Don’t Break It!
If you spend much time in your garage, you probably want the ability to open and close the garage door easily. Some garage door openers don’t seem to work as well as others, and you might be wondering why that is. If you’re concerned about how well your garage door...
Are Tumble Dryers OK in Garage?
Whether space is tight in your home or you’re creating a laundry room in your garage cave, there are a plethora of reasons why you may want to move your tumble dryer into your garage. Before you make the move, there are a few factors to keep in mind for functionality...
Can You Raise a Garage?
In its prime, your garage was a sight to behold - siding that complemented the house, sparkly clean windows on the roll-up door, utilities expertly connected under the gable, roof tiles perfect. Now, your only image of that fine garage is a faded Polaroid photo that’s...
Garage Breaker Keeps Tripping? Here’s What To Do!
For many guys, a garage isn’t just a workshop. It’s a sanctuary and a man cave, where you get to just enjoy doing your own thing. Most garage activities require at least some electricity, which is why having a functional garage circuit breaker remains so important....
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YourCarCave.com is a collection of valuable and useful information regarding everything automotive, especially in and out of the garage.
We’re a group of friends that try to improve the holy sleeping grounds of our cars, or as we like to call it, our Car Caves. As everybody even remotely interested in cars will tell you, it’s not just a means of transport from a to b. For some it is even a passion!
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